16 Jul The Good Life, by Carolyn Wilson
We could read about it in books and watch it on television, but we will never really know what it is like and how it could affect us unless we experience it for ourselves. Sexual abuse is traumatizing and can make the victim feel as if they are not really people at all. They could feel that they are just pawns in someone else’s game.
Carolyn Wilson brings us on an emotional ride as she describes her journey. It was both beautiful and impactful. Her story is one that deserves to be seen, especially for those who have a similar story to share. As women we may find that our voices are not as strong as we’d like them to be, but there are others who feel as if their voice is nonexistent.
This should be an example to those who suffer from sexual abuse that it is never too late to tell your story and to stop the cycle.
By Chynna, 2020 American INSIGHT Intern, Temple University, 2021
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